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Thursday, September 30, 2010

50 First Dates

50 First Dates
Genre: Romance Comedy
Year: 2004
Lead Roles: Adam Sandler and Drew Barrymore
My Rating: 5

Brief Summary:

Henry Roth lives a great life in a hawaiian paradise, spending every night with a beautiful tourist in search of an island fling. Its a sweet life with no strings attached...until he meets Lucy. They hit it off, but the next day she doesnt recognize him. Lucy has a short term memory loss, so every night her memory is wiped clean. But a man in love will go to any lengths for the girl of his dreams. Is Henry up for the challange? This movie will win you over everytime you watch it.

Quote- "Can i have one last first kiss?"-Lucy

Likes: The movie is all around perfect for me.

Rating: PG-13

Others Rating: 5

Caption: The ultimate bachelor will face the ultimate challange.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

17 Again

17 Again
Genre: Family
Year: 2009
Lead Role: Zac Efron
My Rating: 3 1/2

Brief Summary:
If you somehow had the chance, would you do your life over? Mike O'donnald would. Then one magical moment happened, and he got his chance. He suddenly was back at his old high school, where he's the star of his basketball team, cutie, and cool classmate. He goes from a not-so-cool dad, to their own friend. This movie proves the best year of your life, is the one your living in now.

Quote- "When your young, everything seems like its the end of the world, but its not, its just the beginning."- Mike O'donnald

Likes: Zac is very cute and plays the part well. Heartwarming parts

Dislikes: some parts were weird and could have been removed

Rating: PG

Others Rating:

Caption: Who says your only young once?

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Rumor Has It...

Rumor Has It...
Genre: Comedy
Year: 2005
Lead Roles: Jennifer Anniston, Kevin Costner, Shirley Maclaine, and Mark Ruffalo
My Rating: 1

Brief Summery:
Every family has a story, Every family has a secret. Based on "The Graduation." This movie has a huge secret to reveal.

Side Note- Hard to follow in places throughout the movie.

Likes- Good actors and actresses

Dislikes- Not a good enough story line to really enjoy

Rating- PG-13

Others Rating-

Monday, September 27, 2010

Sweet November

Sweet November
Genre: Romance
Year: 2001
Lead Roles: Charlize Theron and Keanu Reeves
My Rating: 3

Brief Summery:
Nelson only has one concern...himself. Sara only needs one month, to change that. The rules are simple: No Questions, No Holding Back, and No more than one month. Keanu Reeves plays the character of Nelson. Charlize Theron plays the role of Sara, in this twist of a love story.

Quote- "You, know he asked me to marry him."-Sara. "He's not the first...". "No, but it was the first time i wanted to say yes."-Sara

Side Note: Sara's clothes were awful looking!

Likes- Great Love story, I love how she brings Nelson back down to earth.

Dislikes- Dissapointing but satisfying ending

Rating- PG-13

Others Rating-

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Music and Lyrics

Music and Lyrics
Genre: Romance/Music
Year: 2007
Lead Roles: Drew Barrymore and Hugh Grant
My Rating: 3

Brief Summery:
Alex Fletcher has one last shot at fame, all he needs is a hit. His hit comes from a girl that waters his plants in his apartment. In the end they find something more than a song...they find love.

"The best time i've had int he last fifteen years was sittin gat that piano with you."
-Alex Fletcher (Hugh Grant)

Side Note-I like the song that they create. Its very catchy. Drew and Hugh have great chemistry together on screen.

Likes- Good music, Love the theme, Funny lines

Dislikes- Predictable, Boring in parts.

Others Rating:

Introduction To My Movie Reviews

Welcome!!! My name is Savannah Shaw, you can find out about me at the link to the right. One of things that you have already noticed is my love for movies. This blog is devoted to movies, and what i think of them. I will have polls for you to take, so i can see what you think as well. Enjoy my blog, and let me know what you think :)