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Wednesday, September 29, 2010

17 Again

17 Again
Genre: Family
Year: 2009
Lead Role: Zac Efron
My Rating: 3 1/2

Brief Summary:
If you somehow had the chance, would you do your life over? Mike O'donnald would. Then one magical moment happened, and he got his chance. He suddenly was back at his old high school, where he's the star of his basketball team, cutie, and cool classmate. He goes from a not-so-cool dad, to their own friend. This movie proves the best year of your life, is the one your living in now.

Quote- "When your young, everything seems like its the end of the world, but its not, its just the beginning."- Mike O'donnald

Likes: Zac is very cute and plays the part well. Heartwarming parts

Dislikes: some parts were weird and could have been removed

Rating: PG

Others Rating:

Caption: Who says your only young once?

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